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Pet Odor Removal

Pet Odor RemovalAt 5280 Carpet Cleaning and Restoration, we love pets as much as anyone. That being said, we recognize that pets can be extremely rough on carpets. Dogs might track in mud and urinate on the carpet. Cats tend to scratch and shed hair all over the place. A talking parrot might even be critical of the pattern of your carpet. 5280 offers various stain fighting methods and technologies as discussed elsewhere on this website, but you might be wondering: What can 5280 do about the odors associated with my lovable pets?

Removing pet odor when carpet cleaning is not an easy task, and anyone who says differently is lying. Unfortunately, the most effective way to eliminate pet odor is also the most expensive and labor intensive. A technician would pull up the existing carpet, and replace the padding underneath. If a pet has been urinating on the floor, this padding is most likely ruined and needs to be replaced. The technician will also replace other affected areas such as the tack strips. The affected carpet and sub-floor will then be treated with enzymes to neutralize odor. A temporary solution is to clean the affected area and saturate it with enzymes but this does not treat the odor of the padding underneath. There are contaminants in the padding that cannot be treated and it needs to be replaced. When it comes to the elimination of odor and pet odor removal, 5280 recommends the total replacement of the padding, but we are happy to provide free estimates for both the temporary and more permanent carpet treatments described above.

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