5 Ways to Prepare For a Professional Denver Carpet Cleaning

Over the past year, you’ve maintained a rigorous vacuuming routine and done your best to treat spots quickly whenever necessary, but now it’s time to call in your professional Denver carpet cleaning company to remove all the grime that has settled down deep within the fibers. To make sure you get the most effective cleaning possible, follow a few simple steps before the experts arrive so they can dive right into revitalizing your carpet.
Get an Estimate and Go Over Cleaning Methods
Homeowners should choose their carpet cleaning company carefully. Before scheduling anyone to come into your home, be sure to receive an accurate estimate in writing of the work to be performed so there are no unpleasant surprises when you receive your bill. It’s also important to go over the cleaning methods offered so that you can select the one that complies with your manufacturer’s recommendations and will give you long-lasting freshness.
Dust and Vacuum
Before your carpet cleaning, wipe down all of your surfaces, ledges and baseboards in rooms that are carpeted to prevent dust from drifting and dirtying up the floor again, counteracting the service you just had done. This may also be a good time to check and replace your HVAC filters to get the most improvement in your indoor air quality. Vacuuming will eliminate any extra soil sitting on the surface of your carpet so that the deep clean remains the focus.
Move Furniture and Valuables
Most carpet cleaning companies will help their clients move heavier furniture out of the way, but the more you can remove off the floor before they get to your home, the better. This will allow the cleaning process to begin sooner and give you more time to make sure you haven’t forgotten to move anything that could end up getting broken or hinder a more meticulous cleaning. You may also discover hidden spots or stains that you would like addressed.
Identify Areas in Need of Special Attention
Let your carpet cleaner know of any regions in particular that need extra special attention before they get started so there is no misunderstanding as to what you expect to get out of your service. Stains, spots of dirt or areas that you know tend to attract more foot traffic are all things you want to make sure don’t get missed.
Plan to Spend Some Time Away From the House and Put Pets in a Proper Place
For your carpet to get cleaned efficiently and then completely dried out, you can plan on it taking some time. If you want to get the best results, it’s a good idea to have your family stay away from the home for a period of time and put pets in an accommodating place away from the cleaners. This will permit them to get their job done without any concern for shoes or paws trampling over areas they’ve just cleaned or that are trying to dry.
Ensure you get the most out of your Denver carpet cleaning by properly preparing your home for the professionals to come in and do the dirty work for you.
Categories: Carpet Cleaning
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